Metropolitan Opera Guild Podcast Archive

Welcome to the Metropolitan Opera Guild Podcast Archive! This page contains all the existing Met Guild Podcast episodes, which feature opera lectures, artist interviews, and much more. You can also find the complete Met Guild Podcast collection on Apple Podcasts and at

With the dissolution of the Metropolitan Opera Guild in Fall 2023, no new episodes of the Metropolitan Opera Guild Podcast will be recorded. To learn more and listen to Aria Code, the Met’s ongoing podcast collaboration with WQXR, please click here.

The Metropolitan Opera Guild podcast was made possible with generous support from the Stewart J. Pearce Memorial Fund. 

What will I find in the Metropolitan Opera Guild Podcast? 

The Metropolitan Opera Guild Podcast, like most Met Guild content, was designed around the operas featured in previous Met seasons. The episodes often coincided with the operas that were on stage at the time. For instance, each Met Live in HD transmission has a corresponding podcast released in the week leading up to the performance.