Japanese FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions よくある質問
Where is the Metropolitan Opera?
メトロポリタン歌劇場の場所は?We are located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City, between West 62nd and 65th Streets and Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues.
Are the operas translated?
オペラに字幕は付いていますか?Met Titles are a custom designed system for simultaneous translation created by the Metropolitan Opera. They are available in English, German, and Spanish
The Met Titles are seen on individual screens on the seat backs, on stanchions and at all Standing Room locations except the Grand Tier.
メト・タイトルズは各座席の背もたれの後ろや支柱、またGrand Tier(グランド・ティアー)以外の全ての立ち見席に設置されています。
Do you have foreign language assistance?
外国語での問い合わせは出来ますかCall 212-362-6000 and say “I need a Japanese translator.” Assistance is available in Japanese and there is no charge for this service. Please call Monday through Saturday 10 am to 8 pm and Sunday Noon to 6 pm Eastern Time. Summer hours are Monday through Friday from 10 am to 6 pm.
無料の日本語サポートサービスがございますので、電話番号1-212-362-6000までお掛け頂き、”I need a Japanese translator(アイ・ニード・ア・ジャパニーズ・トランズレーター)”と仰って頂ければ担当者にお電話を転送させて頂きます。サービスをご利用できる時間はNY時間の月曜日~土曜日(10:00~20:00)と日曜日(12:00~18:00)です。夏期は月曜日~金曜日(10:00~18:00)となります。
What is your refund, exchange and cancellation policy?
チケットのキャンセルや返金は?またキャスト変更の場合は?It is general policy at the Met that there are no refunds, exchanges or cancellations. Subscribers do have certain exchange privileges.
Can I buy Metropolitan Opera merchandise?
メトロポリタン・オペラのグッズを購入するには?The Met Opera Shop is located in the north lobby adjacent to the box office. The store offers a wide selection of CDs, DVDs, books, and a lineup of special items inspired by and tied to Met productions and the company's history. We look forward to welcoming you to an exciting new retail destination for the best in music, design, and the opera lifestyle. The online shop is at www.metoperashop.org
METオペラ・ショップは (券売窓口) の北側に位置しています。ショップにはCDやDVD、本以外にもMETのオペラや歴史に関連する、数多くの特別なアイテムを取り揃えています。音楽、デザ イン、オペラ・ライフスタイルの最上質をご提供できる、NYの新たなデスティネーション・スポットとして皆様のご来店をお待ちしています。またオンライン でのお求めはwww.metoperashop.orgにアクセス下さい。
The store is open Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm (or the end of second intermission) and Sundays from noon to 6 pm. The Met Opera Shop can be reached at 212-580-4090.
What is the dress code?
オペラ鑑賞時のドレスコードは?There is no dress code at the Met. People dress more formally for galas or openings of new productions, but this is optional. We recommend comfortable clothing appropriate for a professional setting.
Are children allowed?
子供の入場は可能ですか?Yes, however all children must have a ticket for the performance. If you choose to bring a child and he/she creates a disturbance or interferes with anyone’s enjoyment of the performance, you and the child will kindly be asked to watch the remainder of the performance in List Hall.
子供の入場も可能ですが、上演に入場するためには席の購入が必要となります。お子様を同伴された場合に周りのお客 お様にご迷惑が掛かります場合は、お子様と共にお客様には上演の残りをリスト・ホールで観覧して頂くこともございます。どうぞご了承下さいますようお願い 申し上げます。
Where can I eat?
食事、又は軽食はどこで取れますか?Where can I eat?
食事、又は軽食はどこで取れますか?The Grand Tier Restaurant at the Metropolitan Opera is open two hours prior to curtain to all Lincoln Center ticket-holders for pre-curtain and intermission dining. For reservations please call 212-799-3400, book online or visit www.grandtierny.com
メトロポリタン歌劇場内のGrand Tier Restaurant(グランド・ティアー・レストラン)は、リンカン・センターの当日のチケットをお持ちのお客様に限り開演2時間前からと休憩時のお食事が可能です。予約は212-799-3400にお電話を頂くか、インターネット www.grandtierny.com からお願い致します。
The Revlon Bar is open two hours prior to curtain to all Lincoln Center ticket-holders and offers light snacks including sandwiches, paninis, dessert, and a full-service bar.
またリンカン・センターの当日券をお持ちのお客様は、開演2時間前からメトロポリタン歌劇場内のRevlon Bar (レブロン・バー)にてサンドイッチやパニーニ、デザート等の軽食や、バーのご利用が可能です。
Pre-curtain and intermission bars are located in Founders Hall and on the Orchestra, Parterre (Parterre Box ticket holders only), Grand Tier, and Family Circle levels. Snacks are available.
開場前と休憩時にご利用可能なドリンク・コーナーはFounders Hall(ファウンダーズ・ホール)とOrchestra(オーケストラ)、Parterre(パーテール:ご利用の際にはパーテール・ボックスの券が必要となります)、Grand Tier(グランド・ティアー)、Family Circle(ファミリー・サークル)の各階にございます。 -
What if I’m late to a performance?
開演に遅れた場合は?Latecomers will not be admitted to the auditorium until intermission or on rare occasions when the Conductor has designated an appropriate interval for seating. Warning chimes are sounded pre-performance and intermission at 8 minutes and 4 minutes prior to curtain. Audience members who leave the auditorium during a performance will not be readmitted until intermission or at an appropriate interval, if one has been designated by the Conductor.
What can I bring?
劇場内に持ち込めるものは?Although you may bring a coat and other personal items such as handbags or umbrellas, please do not bring bags, parcels or luggage to the Metropolitan Opera House.
Is there a coat check?
クロークはありますか?There is a coat check station located on the South Concourse level. There is a $3 charge to check a coat.
クロークはSouth Concourse(サウス・コンコース)レベルに有ります。コート1着につき、手数料$3が掛かります。
May I smoke there?
喫煙所はありますか?In compliance with New York City Department of Health Regulations, smoking is prohibited in all areas of the theater.
May I use my cell phone or beeper?
携帯電話やポケットベルは使えますか?Patrons with cellular telephones, alarm watches and/or electronic paging systems must turn them off prior to entering the auditorium.
May I take photos or record anything?
劇場内での写真撮影や録音は可能ですか?No, the photographing or sound recording of any performance, or the possession of any device for such photographing or sound recording inside the theater, without written permission of the management, is prohibited by law. Offenders may be ejected and liable for damages and other lawful remedies.
Lights inside the auditorium are also prohibited. Ticket holders using pen flashlights will be asked to discontinue the practice.