
The soldier Wozzeck is struggling. A simple man, he wants nothing more than to provide for his family, live with dignity, love, and be loved. But nothing seems to be going right. Mired in poverty, Wozzeck is forced to work menial tasks for his imperious commanding officer and participate in bizarre medical experiments to make ends meet. He suspects that his beloved common-law wife, Marie, may be cheating on him with the handsome Drum Major from his regiment. And to top it all off, he has been having terrifying visions: a decapitated head rolling along the forest floor, crimson mists, a blood-red glow in the evening sky. Wozzeck is desperate to break free from this web of cruelty, deprivation, and mental illness, but the more he flails the tighter the web seems to get—until, in a final act of desperation, Wozzeck is pushed to destroy the one thing in the world he truly loves.

Included in the 2019-20 season of HD Live in Schools.