
Mario Bahg

This Season

First Guard in Manon
Lamplighter in Manon Lescaut

Tenor Mario Bahg made his Met company debut as part of the 2019 Summer Recital Series, makes his house debut during the 2019–20 season as the First Guard in Manon, and will go on to sing the Lamplighter in Manon Lescaut later in the season. He graduated from Korea National University of Arts, where he sang the Duke in Rigoletto, and recently received his master’s degree from Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts. He has appeared as a soloist in Haydn’s Die Schöpfung and Bach’s Christmas Oratorio at Mainfranken Theater Würzburg and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 at the Konzerthaus Berlin. He has also performed in a gala concert at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, Verdi’s Requiem with the Bergen Symphony Orchestra, and at the Kirsten Flagstad Festival in Norway.

He is the winner of first prize and the Opera Aria Award in the Aria Division at the 2018 Montreal International Music Competition and first prize at the 2017 Queen Sonja International Music Competition. Other notable recognitions include first prize at the 2016 Città di Alcamo Competition (Italy), second prize at the 8th DEBUT European Opera Singing Competition (Germany), and second prize at the 2016 Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition (Sweden).


Busan, South Korea

Met Debut

First Guard in Manon, 2019

This Season

First Guard in Manon
Lamplighter in Manon Lescaut
