Headshot of Katelan Terrell

Lindemann Young Artist Development Program

Katelan Terrell

This Season


A New York-based collaborative pianist and vocal coach, Katelan Terrell is an alumna of SongFest, the Schubert-Institut in Baden bei Wien, and Marilyn Horne's The Song Continues at Carnegie Hall. A passionate advocate for art song, she is a coordinator of Songs from the Cellar, a song recital series as part of Arts at Blessed Sacrament in Manhattan.

Ms. Terrell received her Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance and Literature at the Eastman School of Music. She then completed her Master of Music in Collaborative Piano at the Juilliard School under Jonathan Feldman, Margo Garrett, and Brian Zeger.


Fort Worth, Texas

Met Debut

This Season
