Headshot of Derrick Goff

Lindemann Young Artist Development Program

Derrick Goff

This Season


Prior to joining the Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, coach/pianist Derrick Goff was an Apprentice Coach and Pianist at Florida Grand Opera for the 2017-18 season. He has been a coach, pianist, and chorus master for Bel Canto at Caramoor for the past six seasons, and continues his work with Maestro Crutchfield at Teatro Nuovo. He has also worked at Opera Theatre of St. Louis where he prepared and accompanied their Opera Tastings series.

He served as Director of Music at St. Thomas' Church in suburban Philadelphia for nine years where he played the organ and conducted a semi-professional adult choir and chorister program. As Artistic Director of the Princeton Opera Alliance, he conducted performances of Idomeneo, Don Pasquale, Faust, L'elisir d'amore, and I Capuleti e i Montecchi, among others, in the Princeton area, and has also conducted Don Giovanni in Lawrence, Kansas.


Charlotte, North Carolina

Met Debut

This Season
